MY CHART WRITER software has three objectives:
ERROR REDUCTION Because MY CHART WRITER office notes are created using a template format, there is a standardization to each office visit. Unlike handwritten and dictated SOAP notes, MY CHART WRITER templates are designed in a standard format that enables users to enter information in a uniform manner while prepopulating and correcting as the clinical staff fills out the note. This also improves readability by other providers, shortens the time needed to prepare the note, and improves accuracy.
PRACTICE EFFICENCIES Exam times are reduced because information, like drug interactions, appointments, and diagnosis codes, is available on the spot.
PATIENT DATA MY CHART WRITER centralizes patient data into one location: the patient’s chart. This allows users to run administrative reports, access patient information quickly, and efficiently send and receive patient documents.
MY CHART WRITER Health Management Solutions for Mankind All-in-One:
Patients can securely access, and view their medical record as well as send message to staff or doctor via the secure messaging feature.
Not satisfied with your current templates? You can create custom templates that perfectly streamline your workflow.
Prescribe prescription electronically via Rcopia or your existing ePrescription service.
Certified for Stage 2 Meaningful Use, Attest and earn incentive payments for Medicare and Medicaid.
MyChartWriter contains a designated Chronic Care Management template for providing patients with two or more chronic conditions a detailed and personal care plan. CCM keeps your patients out of the hospital, saving Medicare money while improving your patients’ care..
· EMR Software Licensing Agreement
· Internet Explorer 8 or higher
· Windows 7 or later
· Microsoft Word
· ePrescribing software, if not using Doctors First
Surendar Agarwal
2005 Prince Avenue
Athens, GA 30606
(404) 610-5751